Video formats and there details by file converter

Here you will find almost all formats in which we deal for video conversions. The filverter is free, fast and online file converison tool which is also unlimited and easy to use, here you can convert your any type of audio, video, and image files.

Video formatsDetails
.ty+TiVo Video Recording File
.kineKineMaster Project File
.swfShockwave Flash Movie
.pzPanzoid Video Project
.aepAfter Effects Project
.mkvMatroska Video
.prprojPremiere Pro Project
.sfdSofdec Dreamcast Movie
.drpDaVinci Resolve Project
.pivPivot Stickfigure Animation
.psvPluralsight Video File
.anmDeluxePaint Animation
.serAstronomical Capture Video File
.viiViiVid Multi-Vantage Video
.inpSony Camcorder Image Management File
.scmSuper Chain Media File
.vprojVSDC Video Editor Project
.mepsMovavi Slideshow Maker Project
.plotPlotagon Studio Project
.vegVEGAS Video Project
.wlmpWindows Live Movie Maker Project
.msdvdWindows DVD Maker Project File
.webmWebM Video
.strPlayStation Video Stream
.mxfMaterial Exchange Format File
.mswmmWindows Movie Maker Project
.aecCinema 4D After Effects Composition
.bikBink Video File
.dcrDigital Court Recorder Video File
.mp4MPEG-4 Video File
.amcAMC Video File
.wplWindows Media Player Playlist
.scmScreenCam Screen Recording
.dirAdobe Director Movie
.bk2Bink Video 2 File
.vpjVideoPad Video Editor Project File
.dcrLiberty Video Recording File
.srtSubRip Subtitle File
.kdenliveKdenlive Project
.fbrFlashBack Screen Recording
.vobDVD Video Object File
.mseMediaShow Slideshow Project File
.rmvbRealMedia Variable Bit Rate File
.subMicroDVD Subtitle File
.flcFLIC Animation
.clpiBlu-ray Clip Information File
.sbtSBT Subtitle File
.screenflowScreenFlow Document
.evoSeeVogh Player Video Recording
.3gp3GPP Multimedia File
.recTopfield PVR Recording
.ssfStructured Subtitle Format File
.pacPAC Subtitles File
.ifoDVD-Video Disc Information File
.dmsmVideoWave Movie Project File
.fcpFinal Cut Project
.mpegMPEG Video
.vp6TrueMotion VP6 Video File
.binBinary Video File
.camprojCamtasia Studio Project
.vspVideoStudio Project
.vttWeb Video Text Tracks File
.wmvWindows Media Video
.metaRealPlayer Metafile
.alpxACDSee Luxea Video Editor Project
0.264IP/CCTV Video File
.ivrInternet Video Recording
.wmmpWindows Movie Maker Project File
.m4uMPEG-4 Playlist
.mpvMPEG Elementary Stream Video File
.mvdMovie Edit Pro Movie File
.dpaDrawPlus Animation File
.db2Samsung CCTV Video Information File
.pshPhotodex Slide Show
.m2tsBlu-ray BDAV Video File
.tsvDigital Receiver Video Recording File
.trpHD Video Transport Stream
.mediaSecurity Camera Video
.gtsCaptiveWorks PVR Video File
.aepxAfter Effects XML Project
.dmxSource Filmmaker Project
.mgvPSP Video File
.maniMine-imator Project File
.amxAdobe Motion Exchange File
.cinePhantom Digital Video File
.d3vDatel Video File
.mvpMAGIX Video Project File
.hdmovQuickTime HD Movie File
.flvFlash Video File
.rmsSecure Real Media File
.3gp23GPP Multimedia File
.ismvIIS Smooth Streaming Video File
.vc1VC-1 Video File
.asfAdvanced Systems Format File
.videoaTube Catcher Video File
.ogvOgg Video File
.mp4.infovidParrot AR Drone and Gyro Flyer Video
.mysVineyard Captured Video File
.vdrVirtualDub Signpost File
.rcutWebinaria Recording Cut
.sivSilicon Imaging Video File
.arcutPrelude Rough Cut File
.zm2ZSNES Movie #2 File
.aleAvid Log Exchange File
.g2mGoToMeeting Recording File
.pmfPSP Movie File
.jtvJRiver TV File
.mepxMovavi Video Project
.tvshowmimoLive Show
.av1AV1 Video
.ncorAdobe Encore Project File
.cpvcAdobe Captivate Video Composition
.swiSWiSH Project File
.vivVivoActive Video File
.m4sMPEG-DASH Video Segment
.dxrProtected Macromedia Director Movie
.mp4vMPEG-4 Video
.idxVobSub Subtitles Index File
.tsVideo Transport Stream File
.mobMOBTV Video File
.trecTechSmith Recording File
.datVCD Video File
.rmRealMedia File
.cmeCommand Multimedia Evidence File
.dv4Bosch Security Systems CCTV Video File
.sccScreenFlow Screen Recording
.mj2Motion JPEG 2000 Video
.pdsPowerDirector Script File
.rcdpcAnywhere Recorded Session File
.ivaSurveillance Video File
.dmsm3dVideoWave 3D Movie Project File
.mp5Chinese Portable Media Player Video
.m2tHDV Video File
.dreamDream Animated Wallpaper File
.psbPowerDivX Subtitles File
.mpeg4MPEG-4 File
.mprojMine-imator Project
.zmvZSNES Movie File
.mnvPlayStation Movie File
.dzmDirectorZone Menu Template
.camrecCamtasia Studio Screen Recording
.vidGeneric Video File
.theateriMovie Theater File
.tixDivX Video Download Activation File
.mjpgMotion JPEG Video
.smvVideoLink Mail Video File
.bnpSony Camcorder Video Data File
.m4viTunes Video File
.mpgMPEG Video
.wp3Microsoft Photo Story Project File
.stxPinnacle Studio Project File
.f4pAdobe Flash Protected Media File
.awliveActive Webcam Video File
.3mm3D Movie Maker Movie Project
.gfpGreenForce-Player Protected Media File
.vroDVD Video Recording Format
.vgzDigitalVDO Compressed Video File
.mtsAVCHD Video File
.dzpDirectorZone Particle Effect File
.movApple QuickTime Movie
.dashMPEG-DASH Video File
.h264H.264 Encoded Video File
.m75MPEG Video
.cstDirector External Cast File
.izzIsadora Media Control Project
.dmbDigital Multimedia Broadcasting File
.mepMovavi Video Project
.zm3ZSNES Movie #3 File
.izzyIsadora Project
.sfvidcapSonic Foundry Video Capture File
.avvAvid Volume Bin File
.avbAvid Bin File
.mmvMicroMV Video File
.fbrMercury Screen Recording
.sedprjSlideshow Studio Elements Project
.xmvXbox Media Video File
.mmpMovieMator Video Editor Pro Project
.qtchQuickTime Cache File
.dztDirectorZone Title File
.intSony Camcorder Image Management File
.ffdffDiaporama Project File
.camvCamtasia Video File
.ppjPremiere 6 Project File
.tmv8088 Corruption Video
.picPictor Paint Image
.ircpSpeedGrade IRIDAS Composite File
.fliFLIC Animation
.mvSGI Video File
.lvixLightworks Video Index File
.m1vMPEG-1 Video File
.wvmGoogle Play Video File
.avsApplication Visualization System File
.ktnKTooN Animation Project File
0.264Ripped Video Data File
.davCCTV DVR Video
.wvxWindows Media Video Redirector
.playlistCyberLink PowerDVD Playlist
.avchdHigh Definition Video File
.cpiAVCHD Video Clip Information File
.sbkSWiSH Project Backup File
.dvrMicrosoft Recorded TV Show
.3g23GPP2 Multimedia File
.jdrIROAD Dash Cam Video File
.mp2vMPEG-2 Video File
.kmprojectKineMaster Project
.movieQuickTime Movie File
.mvpMoviePlus Project File
.m15MPEG Video
.sferaSfera 360? File
.dvDigital Video File
.rdbWavelet Video Images File
.tpBeyond TV Transport Stream File
.bsfBlu-ray AVC Video File
.m2pMPEG-2 Program Stream File
.kmvMobile DJ Video File
.60dCCTV Video Clip
.xvidXvid-Encoded Video File
.d2vDVD2AVI File
.wmWindows Media File
.mpsubMPlayer Subtitles File
.sanSmush Animation File
.ddatDivX Temporary Video File
0.89Cavena Subtitles File
.aafAdvanced Authoring Format File
.f4vFlash MP4 Video File
.3gpp3GPP Media File
.mpeg2MPEG-2 Video File
.ismIIS Smooth Streaming Manifest File
.dvr-msMicrosoft Digital Video Recording
.3gpp23GPP2 Multimedia File
.mpv2MPEG-2 Video Stream
.gviGoogle Video File
.vepAVS Video Editor Project File
.yuvYUV Video File
.xescExpression Encoder Screen Capture File
.pdrprojPowerDirector for Mobile Project
.r3dREDCODE Video File
.qtlQuickTime Link File
.xlmvXunlei Movie File
.dckResolume Deck File
.mp21AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Object
.hdvHigh Definition Video Format
.f4fFlash Video Fragment
.3p23GPP Multimedia File
.wveElectronic Arts TQI Video File
.vp3On2 Streaming Video File
.proProPresenter Export File
.sqzSqueeze Project File
.jssJACOsub Subtitle File
.dncWindows Dancer File
.mvexMuvee autoProducer 6 Project File
.mk3dMatroska 3D Video File
.rsxRED Metadata XML File
.tspDigital TV DVR Recording
.m4fSony Network Camera Video
.buSamsung CCTV Video File
.mplAVCHD Playlist File
.vcrATI Video Card Recording
.divxDivX-Encoded Movie
.bdmvBlu-ray Disc Movie Information File
.xmlCinelerra Video Project
.lrvLow-resolution Video File
.ogmOgg Media File
.moiMOI Video File
.swtFlash Generator Template
.photoshowRoxio PhotoShow Project
.nuvNuppelVideo File
.rvRealVideo File
.smkSmacker Compressed Movie File
.wcpWinDVD Creator Project File
.splFutureSplash Animation
.ogxOgg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File
.g64Genetec Video File
.aviAudio Video Interleave File
.dpgNintendo DS Movie File
.wrfWebEx Recording
.rumBink Video Subtitle File
.rmdRealPlayer Media File
.tvlayermimoLive TV Layer
.mveInterplay MVE Video File
.tdtAVCHD Thumbnail File
.dvdmediaRipIt DVD Package
.exoYouTube Video Chunk File
.lrecInter-Tel Web Conference Recording
.wotWebEx Recording File
.mpeMPEG Movie File
0.787AVTECH CCTV Video File
.cedJVC Camera Video Data File
.bdt3BEEDOCS Timeline 3D 3 Document
.tivoTiVo Video File
.vp7TrueMotion VP7 Video File
.wmdWindows Media Download Package
.qtzQuartz Composer File
.nutNUT Video File
.flicFLIC Animation
.hevcHigh Efficiency Video Coding File
.mtvMTV Video Format File
.bmcBolide Movie Creator Project File
.m2aMPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File
.arfWebEx Advanced Recording File
.k3g3GP Mobile Phone Video File
.v264v264 IPROBOT3 Video File
.lsxStreaming Media Shortcut
.tpdCyberlink TOD Video File
.moovApple QuickTime Movie
.aqtAQTitle Subtitles File
.rmpRealPlayer Metadata Package File
.aetxAfter Effects XML Project Template
.aveAvigilon Native Video Export File
.dmsdRoxio MyDVD Project
.jmvJnes Movie File
.f4mAdobe Flash Media Manifest File
.wxpWax 2.0 Project
.prelPremiere Elements Project File
.tvsTeamViewer Video Session File
.nfvNetflix Video File
.asxMicrosoft ASF Redirector File
.y4mYUV4MPEG2 Video File
.nvcNeroVision Express Project File
.imovieprojiMovie Project File
.aegraphicAdobe After Effects Graphic
.mjpMJPEG Video File
.moviePayday Movie File
.ttxtMPEG-4 Timed Text Subtitles File
.irfCCTV DVR H.264 Video File
.ajpCCTV Video File
.ftcFluxTime Clip File
.bdmAVCHD Information File
.mpg4MPEG-4 Video File
.tprTMPGEnc Project File
.imovielibraryiMovie Library File
.axvAnnodex Video File
.tvrecordingBoinxTV TV recording
.ismcSmooth Streaming Client Manifest File
.cmmtplCamtasia MenuMaker Template
.vcvViewCave Video File
.prtlPremiere Pro Title
.pxvPixbend Media File
.bmkPowerDVD MovieMark File
.mpgindexAdobe MPEG Index File
.bvrBlue Iris Video
.cmprojCamtasia Project File
.pgiVideo Recording File
.flhFLIC Animation File
.ttmlTimed Text Markup Language Subtitles File
.mshVisual Communicator Project File
.fvmFast Video Maker Project
.mv8Interplay MVE Video File
.smilSMIL Presentation File
.orvOracom Video File
.wtvWindows Recorded TV Show File
.zegZeroG Subtitles File
.avpAvid Project File
.pjsPhoenix Subtitles File
.otrkeyOnlineTvRecorder Encoded Video File
.wmxWindows Media Redirector File
.ssmStandard Streaming Metafile
.m21AXMEDIS MPEG-21 File
.m2vMPEG-2 Video
.m4eMPEG-4 Video File
.tda3mtDivX Author Template File
.m21MPEG-21 File
.dvxDivX Video File
.todJVC Everio Video Capture File
.vlabVisionLab Studio Project File
.zm1ZSNES Movie #1 File
.rvlmuvee Reveal X Project File
.evoHD DVD Video File
.plprojAdobe Prelude Project File
.pegCallipeg Animation Project
.subVobSub Subtitles File
.gxfGeneral eXchange Format File
.plotdocPlotagon Project File
.ivfIndeo Video Format File
.sbzShowBiz Project File
.n3rPanasonic Security System Video File
.zoomZoom Recording File
.rvidSnapz Pro X Recorded Video File
.fpdxUtilius Fairplay Project
.rcrecLogMeIn Remote Control Session Recording
.vbcVodBurner Crude Video File
.avdMovie Edit Pro Video Information File
.lfpackageLumaFusion Project Package
.imoviemobileiOS iMovie Project File
.sdvStudio DV Project File
.qtApple QuickTime Movie
.avVideo Surveillance File
.vivoVivoActive Video File
.amvActions Media Video
.mpeg1MPEG-1 Video File
.secSamsung Security Video File
.gifvGIF Video File
.mt2sMPEG-2 Transport Stream File
.edlEdit Decision List File
.vcpfVideoConvert Project File
.parDedicated Micros DVR Recording
.mvcMovie Collector Catalog
.boxKodicom Video
.xflAnimate Movie Archive
.w32WinCAPs Subtitle File
.qtmApple QuickTime Movie File
.yogOuterra Captured Video File
.g64xGenetec Video File
.pnsPelco CCTV Video File
.rmdRED Metadata File
.gcsCineform Studio Video Project
.clkClickView Video File
.roqId Software Game Video
.xelExpression Encoder Live Encoding File
.vixLightworks Video Index File
.crecLync Video File
.nsvNullsoft Streaming Video File
.pvrWintal PVR Video File
.thpWii/GameCube Video File
.pssdPhotoSuite Slide Show File
.amAnark Media File
.raviRadiometric Video File
.dv-aviMicrosoft DV-AVI Video File
.fcprojectFinal Cut Pro X Project File
.smiSMIL Presentation
.animAmiga Animation File
.mplMPL2 Subtitles File
.ssaSub Station Alpha Subtitle File
.fcarchFinal Cut Pro Archive
.dlxSony VDU Video File
.m1pgiFinish Video Clip
.blzTeamViewer Blizz Session File
.vs4AVTECH CCTV Video Surveillance File
.vrVR Studio Project File
.bs4Mikogo Session Video Recording
.vfwVideo for Windows
.seqNorPix StreamPix Sequence
.byuBrigham Young University Movie File
.ntpNatron Project File
.mpcElectronic Arts MPCh Video File
.proqcProPresenter Quartz Composition
.qsviQIYI Video File
.vfzCreative Webcam Video Effects File
.secGuinXell Video File
.insvInsta360 Panoramic Video
.difDigital Interface Format
.mvbMultimedia Viewer Book Source File
.hkmHavok Movie File
.mplsBlu-ray Movie Playlist File
.mxvMAGIX Video File
.moddSony Video Analysis File
.modCamcorder Recorded Video File
.ffmFFmpeg Stream File
.tp0Mascom PVR Video File
.vdoVDOLive Media File
.vfVEGAS Movie Studio Project File
.usfUniversal Subtitles Format File
.dmssVideoWave SlideShow Project File
.viewletQarbon Viewlet
.axmAXMEDIS Object
.tbcTime-base Corrected Video
.pro4dvdProPresenter DVD Clips Document
.cmmpCamtasia MenuMaker Project
.spryzipLumaFusion Legacy Project
.imovieprojectiMovie Project
.glGRASP Animation
.aetAfter Effects Project Template
.eztEZTitles Subtitles File
.cmrecCamtasia Recording
.bixKodicom Video File
.wsveWondershare Filmora for Mac Project File
.vemMeta Media Video E-Mail File
.aecapAfter Effects Text Template
.vmdSierra VMD Video File
.gomGOM Media File
.vdxThe 7th Guest Video File
.xejExpression Encoder Job File
.scnPinnacle Studio Scene File
.mpg2MPEG-2 Video
.sviSamsung Video File
.expDX Series Exported Video File
.smiSAMI Subtitles File
.fvtFAST Search & Transfer Video File
.lsfStreaming Media Format
.fbzFlashBack Screen Recorder Movie
.ivsInternet Streaming Video
.dceDriveCam Video File
.h261H.261 Video
.cipCavena Subtitles File
.jvBitmap Brothers Video File
.seqTiertex Limited SEQ Video File
.moffSony Video Data File
.cmvCorelMOVE Animation
.mjpegMotion JPEG Video
.h265H.265 Video
.stlSpruce Technologies Subtitle File
.pvaPVA Video File
.eyetvEyeTV Recording File
.lxfHarris/Leitch Video File
.avmAnime Music Video
.wgiWildgame Innovations Video File
.avsAviSynth Script File
.vidBethesda Video File
.mqvSony Movie Format File
.rmvRadMovie Video
.rcprojectiMovie '08 Project
.avrEverFocus Recording File
.ismclipiStopMotion Animation Clip
.dmsd3dRoxio MyDVD 3D Project
.rtsRealPlayer Streaming Media
.mvyVideo easy Project File
.bdt2BEEDOCS Timeline 3D 2 Document
.qtindexAdobe QTIndex File
.avsAVS Workgroup of China Video
.cx3CMS Recorded Video File
.pro5dvdProPresenter DVD Clips Document
.anxAnnodex Exchange Format File
.vmltVAIO Video File
.vmlfVAIO Video File
.dadIMS200 Video Record File
.gvpGoogle Video Pointer
.eyeEyemail Video Recording File
.exiYouTube for Android Offline Video Index
.tdxD-TEG CCTV Video Information File
.bik2Bink Video 2 File
.camMSN Messenger Webcam Recording
.cdxlCommodore CDXL Video
.drcBBC Dirac Video
.vsrCPCAM CCTV Recording
.vp5On2 VP5 Video File
.wfspWondershare Fantashow Project
.skmSK Telecom 3GP Video
.pmpPlayStation Portable Movie
.el8Electa Live Classroom Session Recording
.pclxPencil2D Project
.camtemplateCamtasia Template
.anydeskAnyDesk Remote Session Recording
.tyTiVo Video Recording File
.mp21MPEG-21 Multimedia File
.tidAVCHD Thumbnail File
.mpfMainActor Project File
.qsmdqStopMotion Animation Project
.rpRealPix Clip
.jtsCyberlink AVCHD Video File
.smlSMIL Slideshow Presentation
.lvfDVR LVF Video File
.jnrJoinNet Recording File
.movieSGI Movie File
.h263H.263 Video
.kuxYouku KUX Video
.flxFLIC Animation
.vshVideoStudio HTML5 Project File
.av3Arbitrator Video Surveillance File
.vftVideoStudio Filter File
.avcAvid Media Composer Script
.graspGRASP Animation
.h262H.262 Video
.ml20MSN Webcam Recorder Video
.celFLIC Animation
.tgvElectronic Arts TGV Video File
.tgqElectronic Arts TGQ Video File
.pmvReturn to Zork Video File
.rplEscape Video File
.rl2Voyeur Game Video File
.pafPacked Animation File
.p64H.261 Video File
.mviMotion Pixels MVI1 Video File
.rtsQuickTime Real-Time Streaming Format
.dsyBesta Video File
.pjrDVDx Project File